
Monday, October 10, 2022

Meditation for a Simpler Life

Meditation can bring us peace and balanced life, offering a sense of calm that benefits our emotional health and physical health. When preparing for meditative time, it’s important to remember a few things to make your time more contemplative.

  • Come to your meditative place with no phone, tv, devices, or outside interruptions
  • Set aside at least 5 minutes to meditate; however, preferably as much time as needed
  • Sit in comfy position
  • Close eyes gently
  • Acknowledge to your inside sounds — heartbeat, intestines
  • Let thoughts go — no need to sort or chase them
  • Select a mantra — a word or phrase of your choice
  • Recite your mantra and after some time stop reciting
  • Forget about time

What is a Mantra?

A mantra is a word or sounds repeated to aid concentration in meditation. We can break down the word mantra into two parts: “man,” which means to think, and “tra,” which means liberate, instrument, or vehicle. In other words, a mantra is an instrument of the mind — a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation.

There are three types of mantras:

  1. Bija — or seed mantras — which are one-syllable sounds that activate the chakras along the center line of the body, such as OM.
  2. Saguna — deity mantras — because they often focus on some form of the divine such as OM NAMAH SHIVAYA or OM KALI MA.
  3. Nirguna — without attributes or form — like AHAM BRAHMA ASMI or AHAM PREMA.

What are the 7 Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word, and it means wheel. In ancient India, Chakras were used as various forms of energy and were the focal point of the human body for meditation. The body has seven main energy centers or chakras. One can use meditation and the right mantras to activate these energy centers.

1. The Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is also known as the Mooladhara Chakra. This chakra, located at the base of the spine, is the color red. This chakra opens your feeling of security, belonging, and prosperity. Chanting the LAM (I Am) manta can help when you feel low on energy.

2. The Sacral Chakra

Also known as the Swadhisthana Chakra, this chakra is located below the navel. Its color is orange. This is a cleansing mantra and is related to sexuality, sensuality, and the desire for pleasure. Chant VAM (I Feel) to open up this chakra.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra

Also known as the Manipura Chakra, this is located above the navel. Its color is yellow. This chakra allows you to feel powerful and control your destiny. Chant RAM (I Do) to open up this chakra.

4. The Heart Chakra

Also known as the Anahata Chakra, this is located in the chest and heart area. Its color is green or pink. This chakra is associated with love. Chant YAM (I Love), if you are experiencing difficulties in your relationship or are not feeling loving, to open up this chakra.

5. The Throat Chakra

Also known as the Vishuddha Chakra, this is located in the throat and neck. Its color is blue. This chakra is associated with your spiritual and physical voice. Chant HAM (I Speak) if you wish to open up this chakra.

6. The Third Eye Chakra

Also known as the Ajna Chakra, this is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. Its color is indigo. This chakra is associated with awareness and guidance. Chant OM (I See) to enhance the power of this chakra.

7. The Crown Chakra

Also called the Sahasrara Chakra, this is located at the crown of the head. Its color is white or purple, and it is related to the spiritual connection. Chant OM MANI PADME HUM (Praise To The Jewel in the Lotus) to release this chakra.

the Seven Chakras and their meanings chart

The Choice of Mantras

It’s a good practice to stay with one mantra for any session. Mixing mantras is not beneficial and can be confusing for your mind.

  • For spiritual intent: OM or RAM
  • For compassion: OM MANI PADME HUM
  • For relaxation, wellness, personal growth: SO HUM
  • To release depression: OM SRI RAMAYA NAMAH
  • To release negative thoughts about someone: OM TARA TUTTARE TURE SWAHA

Meditate For a Calmer, More Fulfilling Life

Let’s make life simple and recognize the following:

  • FEAR — we all have and can let go now.
  • ANGER — We all feel and can let go now.
  • SORROW — We all feel and can let go now.
  • JEALOUSY — We all have felt and can let go now.
  • GREED — We need to let it go now.
  • IGNORANCE — We all should listen and learn now.
  • COMPASSION — We all need and can give now.
  • LOVE — We all need and can give now.
  • GRATITUDE — We all have it, need it, and need to give it now.
  • PEACE — We all need and must locate now.

Now, let’s breathe!


Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Fundamental Importance of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep for Optimal Health

Quality sleep is an essential part of maintaining good health that is often overlooked. Sleep is necessary for overall wellness. Without 7-8 hours of sleep, the brain and body will be deficient in proper overall function, repair, growth, immunity, adaptability, and copiability.

It has been reported that a person who suffers from inadequate sleep can be 10 times more likely to experience depression symptoms and 17 times more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety.

But, getting good sleep at night, in order to enjoy a healthy day from sunrise to sunset, can often be daunting for some. For those unable to get or stay asleep, there may be some things you can implement to help you attain healthy sleep each night and hopefully remain there for a solid night.

Mattress & Bedding

  • Make sure your mattress is firm enough to support your entire spine.
  • Turn your mattress every four months for a longer mattress life.
  • Use a neck roll or a low comfortable pillow that does not push your neck
    up. Your neck should be close to the mattress and not bent in an upward position.
  • Consider utilizing a weighted blanket.
  • Try adding a body-length pillow to your bedding.

Comfort & Temperature

  • Do not wear heavy night clothing — be comfortable and remove tight
  • Do not keep room temperature too hot — cooler is best.
  • Avoid having fans blowing directly on your face or head.


  • Ideally, shut off Wi-Fi in the evening as soon as possible. Take off all wireless devices from wrists, neck, or anywhere on the body.
  • Consult a biological builder, if you are electrosensitive, to review and help you restructure your bedroom or any room in your house to reduce all electromagnetic frequencies that can disrupt sleep.
  • If you are electrosensitive and have an adjustable or electric bed (for example, a Sleep Number® bed), unplug the bed once you have adjusted it for comfort.
  • Use blue-blocking glasses in the evening, as the sun goes down, when reading, viewing television or other screens, or performing home activities or tasks.
  • Ensure that your room is pitch black or that you have a comfortable eye covering to prevent any light from getting into your eyes.
  • Use a battery-operated clock that is not annoying, with a tick or hum that may disturb you. If no clock is needed, even better.
  • Play a CD if you need white noise to help lull you to sleep. Avoid wireless devices that send our radiation to you.
  • Read a paper book in a low (non-intense) light that is not irritating to your eyes — leave all cellular or wireless phones, iPads, tablets, or laptops in a distant room turned off completely.

woman lying in bed reading a book

Food & Drink

  • Your last meal of the day should not be heavy, spicy, or within 2 hours of bedtime.
  • Drink only water that is not chilled in the evening before bed.
  • If you are taking medications or supplements, please ensure that they are taken at proper times so as not to cause sleep disturbances.

Good Nightime & Sleep Habits

  • Try to get some exercise in the evening a few hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid potentially disturbing phone conversations before bedtime.
  • Write down any unfinished business on a notepad for the next day and accept that you cannot do it all in one day.
  • Set a consistent time to sleep, preferably before 11 PM.
  • Take a warm bath or shower for 10 minutes maximum.
  • Do not wash your hair at night unless you plan to dry it fully.
  • Massage a non-toxic, preferably organic, skin cream or lotion onto all skin.
  • Take a nice deep breath and curl up into the most comfortable position for your body.
  • Meditate/pray/chant to relax and calm the body and spirit.
  • For safety, keep a flashlight next to the bed.
  • Be considerate of any partner and plan sleep accordingly.
  • Take a moment to be thankful for the life you have.

The Importance of Good Sleep

Sleep is so vital to our everyday functioning and overall health. Good sleep each night has many advantages, including better immune function, lower blood pressure, reduced stress, and a better mood overall.

Sleep also sets the biological clock for your body’s cell repair and detoxification.

Studies have shown that the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract communicate with our endocrine, neural, and immune systems through our central nervous system, affecting hormones, neurotransmitters, and immune system modulators.

Combatting Sleep Problems

If you or your family suspects that you may have a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, disturbing regular nightmares, or that you are sleepwalking, please see your healthcare provider right away.

For individuals who are heavy snorers or who have extreme daytime fatigue daily, you will need a polysomnogram or sleep test to determine if you are suffering from sleep apnea. A health provider can guide you on how to take care of this to reduce your chances of serious cardiovascular conditions.

Also, any regular nighttime awakenings to urinate will require a visit with a healthcare provider.


Monday, August 22, 2022

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting & Time-Restricted Eating Plans

Intermittent fasting, or time-restricted eating, can be good for our bodies. Dr. Maria Scunziano-Singh, a naturopathic medical doctor in Spring Hill, FL, discusses how this type of eating can be good for our well-being and health.

Intermittent fasting, also known as IF, is an eating plan that aims to improve one’s health by becoming conscious of what time, how much, and why they are consuming food. With IF, you remain in a fasting state (food-free) for an extended period of time. Fasting can be 12, 16, 18 hours, or even longer, and only eating meals during a specific time range.

This type of time-restricted eating has been around for millennia. Early humans adapted to long hours, or even days, before obtaining adequate food. Ancient Greeks, like Hippocrates, Aristotle, and Plato, knew that fasting cleansed the body in many ways. Religions such as Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity have been practicing fasting since their early days.

Types of Intermittent Fasting Programs

Modern-day forms of intermittent fasting can involve several types of programs. You can change your program to one that gives your body time to expand its fat stores and provide energy to improve your life. Some popular modern plans include:

Fasting over 12 hours; eating in 12 hours, eliminating snacks after the last meal. The 12:12 plan is a good one for beginners.
Fasting 16 hours; eating in an 8-hour window of time.
Fasting 20 hours; eating in a 4-hour window of time.
Fasting for 24 hours (1 day a week); and eating a “normal schedule” of meals with snacks six days a week.
Fasting (eating 500 calories or less two days a week) and eating a “normal schedule” of three meals and snacks five days a week.
Alternate Day Fasting
Eating three meals as your schedule would allow and reducing the intake every other day to 500 calories (for example, taking two small meals).
Fasting Mimicking Diets
Consuming half as much as usual for a few days a week and then eating “normally” for 3 to 4 weeks.
One meal a day.

So, as you can see, there are a variety of programs for intermittent fasting you can do. Finding the program that works best for you and your lifestyle is essential.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

The benefits of a time-restricted eating plan are many. However, it would be best if you still made sure that the foods you choose to eat are whole foods, preferably organic, and planned with your health in mind.

When choosing the foods you do eat, proteins, carbs, and fats of the highest quality should only be eaten. And, processed, fast, chemical-laden, hormone-laden, sugary, or artificially sweetened foods should not be consumed.

Remember, however, that your wellness should be holistic, and exercise, sunlight, love, and stress reduction should always be a part of your health plan.

Some benefits of intermittent fasting include:

  • Improved energy
  • Weight loss
  • Increased growth hormone
  • Improved gene expression
  • A renewed feeling of joy
  • Risk reduction and improvement for chronic diseases like heart, diabetes, anxiety, mood disorders, autoimmune conditions, arthritis, dementia, and more
  • Reduction in inflammation and markers that are measured
  • The need for less medications from improved health

Cautions of Intermittent Fasting

For those new to intermittent fasting, adjusting to a new way of eating will take time. However, if you make and take smart food in the body at the right time each day, it may change your well-being as you have never seen before.

Some side effects of starting a new IF plan may include:

  • Hunger
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Altered menstruation
  • Irritability

Remember that these symptoms are only temporary as your body is transitioning into a new way of eating.

Who Should Avoid Intermittent Fasting

Some individuals may not be a good fit for intermittent fasting. If you have concerns about starting an intermittent fasting program, please seek the advice of your health care provider first.

These individuals may include:

  • People with a history of eating disorders
  • People who are malnourished
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers
  • Women who are trying to conceive or have fertility issues
  • Children under 18
  • People with diabetes


So, with the many benefits that intermittent fasting provides, ask yourself why you would not make this healthful choice. The right amount of fast, taken S-L-O-W-L-Y, is a winning plan!

References and Recommended Reading

Complete Guide to Fasting book.
The Conscious Eat book.
Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50 book.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Teamwork Arts announces the launch of Awaken Florida, A Festival of Mind, Body and Soul

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Leading Indian performing arts and entertainment company, Teamwork Arts in partnership with EliteCare Health Centers, announces Awaken Florida, a festival of mind, body and soul, scheduled to be held from 5th-6th November 2022 at the Wellcome OM Integral Healing and Education Center, Spring Hill, Florida.

The festival will endeavor to help people seek holistic healing and inner peace, focusing on mental, physical and emotional well-being. It will be open, accessible and inclusive, and will showcase music, conversations, wellness, food traditions, workshops and more. Awaken Florida believes in the power of wellness that not only empowers us but creates deep bonds within communities. Wellness practices, inspired by age-old traditions which are often overlooked in the urgency of our immediate lives, balance the physical with the mental.

Sharing his excitement at this new initiative, Sanjoy K. Roy, Managing Director, Teamwork Arts, said, “This is an initiative that truly believes in the philosophy of wellness. We are delighted to bring a unique mix of holistic well-being practices to Spring Hill with the first-ever Awaken Florida.”

Announcing the festival, Dr. Pariksith Singh, CEO of Access Health Care, said, “This festival will be a celebration of health, wisdom, music and arts, a journey of sharing and joy.”

Dr. Maria Scunziano-Singh, Founder, WellCome OM Integral Healing and Education Center, said, “With this festival, we will celebrate authentic health through the merging of international talent with the vitality of soulful music, creative art, inspiring literature, energy-giving foods and hands-on healing”.

The festival will offer attendees a choice of holistic therapies and workshops, meditation and chanting sessions and yoga, led by world-renowned mentors. Music, dance and literature that focus on inner calm will also be important strands of the festival with performances by acclaimed artists and panels with well-known writers. Organic and health-conscious food stalls, merchandise, and consultations on mindful eating are also on the anvil and will offer an opportunity for attendees to look inwards for introspection.

For more information visit

About the WellCome OM Integral Healing and Education Center

The center is a unique entity that blends the skills of several beautiful individuals from varied training and expertise on a quest to simultaneously practice their treasured life skills and celebrate – in collaboration – a journey to ultimate wellness in all its facets.

Whether you seek the help of a medical doctor with a naturopathic background, a yoga instructor, life coach, nutritional counselor, or massage therapist, the WellCome OM Integral Healing & Education Center will be the source to receive authentic healing. Our goal is to educate clients on how to evaluate their lifestyle choices and empower them to achieve and sustain improved health.

Visit us online at or call 352-600-4242.

About EliteCare Health Centers

EliteCare Health Centers is providing comprehensive health services for the family’s everyday well-being. The centers offer a “one stop shop” where patients receive exams, wellness checks, prescriptions, and wellness services.

The goal of EliteCare is to provide wait times less than an average doctor’s office because they are so exclusive to Freedom, Optimum, and Simply Health plans. Patients will be able to schedule appointments and get into the office faster and perhaps even on the same day.

Future plans include providing wellness services which include professional manicure services such as polish, painting, nail trimming, cuticle care, and more and dental services. With high quality dental care with stringent safety protocols for safe and effective treatment. Services will include cleanings, fillings, crowns, and much more.

The eventual goal is that except for specialist appointments the EliteCare offices will provide all healthcare at one location.

Learn more at

About Teamwork Arts

Teamwork Arts is a highly versatile production company with roots in the performing arts, social action and the corporate world. For over 30 years, Teamwork Arts has taken India to the world and brought the world to India, presenting the finest of Indian performers, writers, change-makers and visual artistes in the knowledge and arts space in India and abroad.

Every year, we produce over 33 festivals in 42 cities and 17 countries in the fields of performing & visual arts and literature; our venues include Australia, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, the UK and USA as well as many eclectic festivals across India. We produce the world’s largest literary gathering: the annual Jaipur Literature Festival; JLF international now travels to the US, UK, Canada and Australia and the Maldives and soon in Europe.

Even amidst the upheaval and unsettling times of 2020, Teamwork Arts successfully launched the digital series, JLF Brave New World and WORDS ARE BRIDGES, which were viewed by over 4.8 million people in their first season. Through its digital avatar, the Jaipur Literature Festival reached over 19 million viewers in January 2021 and brought together the world’s leading commentators and writers. The digital series Be Inspired was launched in 2021 – a series that crystal gazes into the future with conversations on science, technology, innovation, environment and more.

More information is available at

poster for Awaken Florida Festival 2022


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

You and Your Pet: A Mutually Beneficial Alliance

According to the Pet Products Association, more than 62% of the US population has some type of a pet. Even if you don’t own a pet, these characteristics have been studied over the millennia as humans and animals have interacted with each other.

Are you a dog person? 39% of pet owners are. Maybe you are a cat person? 33% of pet owners have cats. Or, perhaps you prefer birds, fish, or horses.

According to a survey done by OnePoll for Mars Petcase of 1000 dog owners and 1000 cat owners, those with dogs lean towards having personality traits such as being extroverted, fun-loving, outdoorsy, social, and structured. They tend to earn more and lean towards action films for their movie choices.

While cat people are generally more reserved, introverted, curious, creative, unconventional, free thinkers who prefer to stay closer to home and like documentary films. A study done by the University of Texas showed similar results.

A woman playing outside with her cat.

Do you have combined characteristics? Maybe you prefer both types of pets. What about other creatures? Here are some descriptive words and phrases that have been compiled from various surveys and studies of personalities associated with certain species of animals

  • Birds: more social and easygoing, expressive, strong personality
  • Fish: happy-go-lucky, humorous, optimistic, calm, trusting
  • Horse: assertive, strong willed, introspective, conservative
  • Rabbits: introverted, creative, carefree, moody
  • Hamsters, Guinea pigs, Chinchillas: intellectually curious, nocturnal workers
  • Turtles: hardworking, easygoing, reliable, and punctual

A woman stroking a horse in a field.

The Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

Florence Nightingale, a world renowned nurse who was at the sides of wounded soldiers in the early 19th century, was often accompanied by an animal to help these patients deal with the misery of their wounds.

The term “Pet Therapy” was coined in 1964 by a child psychologist named Boris Levinson after he saw how his dog, Jingles, was very helpful in helping with his patients’ comfort.

Having a pet has many benefits such as:

  • Bringing joy to your life.
  • Increasing opportunities for exercise, spending time outdoors, and socializing.
  • Reducing depression and anxiety.
  • Improving your life outlook.
  • Reducing or removing loneliness with their companionship.
  • Averting boredom.
  • Improving your relationship with your doctor.

However, owning a pet is a responsibility and before taking in a pet through adoption or purchase from a breeder consider these points:

  • Costs/budget for the animal(s) — remember food, shots, vet checks, and disease possibilities
  • The expected length of life of the pet.
  • What diet is best for the pet.
  • The amount of time needed to exercise the animal.
  • The overall size of the pet.
  • The time involved to care for and clean up after the pet.
  • If you have the best atmosphere for a pet.
  • Whether a pet is allowed in your apartment, building complex, or home.
  • The people who will be around your pet.

A female veterinarian checking a dog's temperature.

Taking Care of Your Pet’s Health

It is essential that you take the best care of yourself so you can tend to your pet’s well being. Also, keep in mind that your diet is not your pet’s diet and you must not try to make it that way. While there may be some overlap, each of you has different dietary and lifestyle needs.

The differences include:

  • You need to eat healthy, organic, and balanced, preferably you will eat a diet that is high fiber, plant based foods.
  • Your dog or cat are carnivores and a diet of plants won’t work for them. They need little or no grains and no artificial anything!
  • Horses and rabbits are herbivores and must take in appropriate types of plant protein.
    Fish and reptiles have a more varied diet.
  • Dogs, cats, and rabbits that go out in grasses and other grounds should have regular baths and you should even clean their paws and snouts to remove chemicals and other debris.

Some similarities between you and your pet include:

  • A need for regular exercise.
  • Plenty of fresh water on a daily basis.
  • The least amount of processing and organic is best for you both, whether it be food, hygiene, and other types of materials for toys, bedding, and snacks.
  • You should both avoid chemicals, especially Glyphosate in products like Roundup.
  • Supplements of omega fats.
  • Touching, stroking, petting, and massaging.
  • Clean air, proper ventilation, and proper environmental temperatures.
  • Frequent socialization.
  • The need for love and affection — when you say “I love you” to your dog, the animal will respond with equal affection.

When owning a pet, it’s also important to pay attention to your animal’s behaviors. Is it acting differently than normal? Is it barking excessively, cowering, itching, unable to run, slow in movement, not eating, or chewing on grass excessively? There may be some unmet needs in your pet that they are signaling you to.

You may need to:

  • Check the food and water of the animal.
  • Have a vet check your pet and perform an allergy panel.
  • Make sure your pet hasn’t ingested something irritating or toxic.

Just as you would evaluate your health and see a doctor or health care provider if you were feeling poorly, as a pet owner you must make sure your pet is well taken care of too.

Holistic Care of Your Pet

Just like with holistic health care in humans, holistic pet health care is an approach by which every aspect of the pet including food and nutrition, lifestyle, activity level, supplements, medicine and treatments is considered as part of a program of health.

The trend towards holistic care of a pet makes sense. Purity and excellence of food, environment, treatments and overall respect for the animals is what holistic care is here to accomplish.

Treatments of acupuncture, massage, herbal medicines, chiropractics, and other types of holistic care that humans use, can also be utilized with pets.

A young girl holding a bunny rabbit.

A World Without Animals

It’s tough to imagine a world without animals. If we want to keep our pets and wildlife protected and around for the next generations, it’s high time that we are paying attention to the care of the environment around us.

Currently, there is an inordinate number of domesticated animals developing cancers, diabetes, arthritis, and allergies. Poor care of pets comes from lack of education on how to care for them. Humans have trouble caring for themselves for the same reason and more.

A very alarming statistic is the diabetic rise in cats and dogs in today’s world. Since 2006, there has been a 79% rise in canine diabetes, according to the Banfield State of Pet Health Report.

An equally disturbing statistic is the rate of cancer in dogs and cats. 1 in 65 dogs and 1 in 80 cats will be afflicted with cancer. The reasons for this rise include things like obesity, low quality food and drink, and chemical poisoning in the environment. Also, as pets spend more time in pens, cages, small areas, apartments, and inside the homes of sedentary owners, they don’t get the activity that they need on a daily basis.

But, will this mean the extinction of domestic animals? It’s not likely in the near future, however if we continue to pollute our lives and theirs it will be a sad future for everyone.

According to the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity, there may be more than 100 species of creatures becoming extinct every day. This is controversial but it may very well be the reality we face.

Since the 1600s, humans have driven over 680 vertebrae species to extinction including the Pinta Island Tortoise. The last of this species — a giant tortoise named Lonesome George — died on the Galapagos Island in 2012.

Chemical pollution of air, water, earth, and sky, with cheap, artificial materials like plastics and petroleum products, as well as hunting, fishing, modern development, deforestation, artificial intelligence and all the cellular technology in this world are destroying our lives, along with all of the creatures.

Let’s do better and keep our animals with us for mutual health benefits!


Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Importance of Vitamin B12 To Our Body

Did you know that vitamin B12 is essential for our bodies to function normally? Dr. Maria Scunziano-Singh, a naturopathic medical doctor in Spring Hill, FL, discusses the importance of this vitamin to our well-being and health.

Vitamin B12 is responsible for many important functions in our bodies, including energy production, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell formation. It also helps keep our nervous system healthy and can play a role in preventing heart disease.

If you’re not getting enough vitamin B12 in your diet, you may start to experience some symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, constipation, or loss of appetite. In severe cases, a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to anemia or neurological problems.

What Is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is a class or group of chemically related compounds. The most common form is cyanocobalamin, a synthetic form used in pharmaceuticals and supplements that is stable and lower cost than others in the class. A more physiological form of B12, methylcobalamin, is also available with a higher cost but it is purported to be more bioavailable (able to be used by the body efficiently).

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that a person needs to function normally. Our bodies cannot naturally synthesize it so it must be ingested from food or supplemented in the following forms: taken under the tongue (sublingual), intranasal (as a gel via nostril), or intramuscular (as an injection).

Because it is water soluble, it dissolves in water easily. It enters through the digestive tract or directly into the bloodstream in the body. The B12 is used by cells, and any unused B12 is eliminated through the kidneys when you urinate.

Vitamin B12 is found naturally in animal products, including fish, poultry, eggs, meat, animal milk (cow, goat), and their products, yeast, and certain algae.

All vitamin B12 is naturally synthesized by bacteria — and ONLY by bacteria. These organisms are mainly found in fish and livestock and to a lesser degree in plants.

Commercially produced B12 is from fermented bacteria. The most commonly used bacteria species currently are Propionibacterium shermanii and Pseudomonas denitrificans.

What Does Vitamin B12 Do For You?

Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in red blood cell production, energy production, cell metabolism, fat production and metabolism, and hormone production. It is also responsible for the manufacture and metabolism of protein, DNA (gene) synthesis, and helping our bodies maintain nerve function.

chart showing the benefits of vitamin b12.

How Do You Get Vitamin B12?

Our primary sources for vitamin B12 are animal products, including fish, poultry, eggs, meat, milk, and milk products. Beef liver contains the highest content of vitamin B12, while eggs, milk, and chicken have much less per ounce.

Plants are generally not adequate sources of B12; however, nutritional yeast, fortified cereals, and fortified soy products and energy bars can be sources of vitamin B12. However, be aware that nutritional yeast alone is not known to contain sufficient B12 or even well-absorbable B12. Therefore, it should be fortified for the best nutritional value.

Vitamin B12 Facts of Interest?

Here are some interesting facts about Vitamin B12:

  • Cobalt, a trace soil mineral, is needed by grazing animals to form B12. It is the cobalt that is the key element in allowing for B12 vitamin production. Cobalt itself is not used by the body but the substance it yields is the B12.
  • Cyanide is a by-product of B12 metabolism but it is minimal and does no harm to our systems as of current scientific knowledge.
  • Intrinsic factor, a natural chemical formed in the human stomach must be present for proper digestive absorption of B12. Aging, certain drugs (especially antibiotics), diseases and surgery can all disrupt or interfere with B12 absorption.
  • About 50% of an oral dose of 1000mcg of vitamin B12 can be absorbed, but this absorption decreases if the threshold of intrinsic factor is exceeded (>2000mcg).
  • Pernicious anemia is a very serious condition in which stomach cells with intrinsic factor are attacked by the immune system.
  • Vitamin B12 is given intravenously to treat cyanide poisoning.
  • Vegans are very strongly advised to add B12 supplementation to their diets.

Who Is At Risk For a Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

A specific subset of our population may be at risk for a vitamin B12 deficiency, including vegans, strict vegetarians, individuals with Celiac, Crohn’s Disease, and malabsorption or gastrointestinal tumors. Also, those at risk include people who have had bariatric surgery for weight reduction and a fetus or infant whose mother is B12 deficient.

Vitamin B12 is mainly stored in the liver, but a reduction in storage will occur with low or no intake. We store anywhere from 2 to 5 milligrams in the body, with 50% in the liver.

Those who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, who follow a vegan lifestyle or fall into one of these at-risk groups, must get vitamin supplementation or fortification during this time. Please discuss this with your medical care provider.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Manifestations

Once the body’s stores of vitamin B12 are diminished due to lack of intake or absorption, or both, serious health issues will arise. It is only when one replenishes the B12 that catastrophic events can be prevented.

You can be examined for possible B12 deficiency by visiting a healthcare provider. You may not realize that you have problems associated with vitamin B12 deficiencies.

When your levels of B12 become low you can start to experience symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue (being very tired constantly)
  • Weakness
  • Constipation
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Numbness or tingling in your hands and feet
  • Loss of balance
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Poor memory
  • Soreness of the mouth or tongue
  • Blurred vision
  • Hallucinations
  • Personality changes

Of course, many of these problems may not be due to a B12 deficiency. Since there is no entirely consistent and reliable set of symptoms, you must have a medical doctor check for a vitamin B12 deficiency or any other issues that may cause these symptoms. If you have the symptoms mentioned above, please do not ignore the warnings!

Many people with low vitamin B12 may not have deficiency symptoms for 20 years or more. However, this fact remains elusive, and some explanation may be that analogs or substitute vitamins or enzymes may serve the purpose of bodily balance when B12 has not been sufficiently replenished.

Folate is an important substance found in most green plant foods. It may be one of the substances that will allow for longer periods without B12, which could account for this. However, it should not be considered an answer to B12 problems.

Measuring Vitamin B12?

A blood sample is the best way to know where your B12 levels stand. Levels above 500 are adequate for most people. Some other things to measure:

  • Methylmalonic acid (an enzyme that will be elevated in deficiency), by blood sample; will be reduced in urine sample
  • Complete blood count, by blood sample
  • Homocysteine level, a blood enzyme to sample that can be an indirect source of detecting B12 deficiency (see high levels)
  • Folate or folic acid levels in blood sampling are other indirect means of checking for B12 deficiencies (see low levels)

US Recommended Daily Allowance For Vitamin B12

The U.S. recommended daily allowance for vitamin B12 for adults is 2.4 mcg, with nursing moms needing up to 2.8 mcg.

Taking in 1 mcg of B12 in food form three times a day is good practice for most adult individuals.

If you use a supplement, 500-1000mcg a day or every other day can be safely taken because you will usually absorb only half the intake; less absorption will occur with persons eating little-to-no animal products and over the age of 50 in general.

foods with natural sources of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Foods & Supplements

According to the Foods Standards Agency and The Vegetarian Society of the U.K., we need to be aware of vitamin B12 sources and consume B12 daily in adequate amounts to prevent severe health conditions.

To get vitamin B12 from foods you should be eating things such as:

  • Meat
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Fish

When consuming meat and dairy products, ingesting animal products that are not from grass-fed or humanely-raised livestock means you may be taking in antibiotics and other chemicals that will affect B12!

You can get smaller amounts of B12 from thing such as:

  • Tempeh (fermented tofu)
  • Chlorella
  • Organic land veggies that have not been washed
  • Seaweeds

It is important to take these above plant foods often if animal products are not an option for your diet. While the value of plants in our diet cannot be overstated, do not rely on a few plants alone for B12. It would be best if you had a wide variety of, preferably organic, plants, and you should also consider a supplement.

Fortified cereal, soy, or other vegetarian products usually also contain absorbable B12.

Supplements can be either over counter purchased or medically prescribed. If your physician in Hernando County, or wherever you are located, is unaware of your intake or that you are at risk for a deficiency, please discuss any symptoms you may have that would prompt investigation and possibly a prescription.

Drug Interference With Vitamin B12

There are more than 1,000 different medicines, over-the-counter or prescribed, that will interfere with B12 in the human body. The following commonly used medications can and will cause B12 levels to drop:

  • Metformin – for diabetes
  • Antacids and proton-pump inhibitors – daily use can deplete many essential vitamins and minerals
  • Oral contraceptives and estrogen replacement
  • Anti-seizure medicine
  • Blood pressure lowering meds – like beta blockers
  • Ibuprofen
  • Aspirin
  • Cholesterol lowering meds
  • Benzodiazepines – like Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Temazepam
  • Antibiotics

If you are one or more of these medications, you are strongly advised to supplement vitamin B12, because even so called “adequate daily consumption” may be largely inadequate with poor health outcomes.

Talk to your medical or other healthcare providers who may be able to guide you further.

If you feel a single provider is not helping you, seek more advice on how best to improve your overall health.

Take charge. It is your life – protect it well.

References and Recommended Reading


Friday, May 6, 2022

On Sun and Water: Just How Much Do We Need Of Each?

The sun is something we can’t escape. At 4.5 billion years of age and it is estimated to have another 5-6 billion years before it runs out of hydrogen and engulfs Mercury, Venus, and Earth.

The sun radiates heat and light, also known as solar energy, which is needed to sustain life on Earth. Our bodies use the UVB rays from the sun for vitamin D formation, with the best times for us to get that benefit being between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Solar noon, which occurs at 1:00 PM, is the peak for obtaining these rays.

Not only do humans need the sun to survive, but so do other animals, and even the plants around us. All plants require light from the sun for photosynthesis, the process within a plant that converts light, oxygen, and water into carbohydrates (energy), in order for plants to produce seed, grow, and bloom.

Without the sun to heat the Earth, it would freeze. Although some microorganisms living in the Earth’s crust could survive, the majority of life on our planet would enjoy only a brief post-sun existence, eventually dying.

an image of fields of plants getting nutrition from the sun

The Powerful Sun Facts

  • The sun is the closest thing in nature to a perfect sphere.
  • It is 93 million miles from the earth.
  • It takes 8 minutes and 19 seconds for light from sun to reach us on earth.
  • It has 6 layers and its outermost layer has a temp of 9,941 degrees fahrenheit.
  • The sun’s core temperature is 27 million degrees fahrenheit — which is beyond hot.
  • It has a 423,000 mile radIUs (for comparison, the Earth’s radIUs is a mere tad under 4,000 miles).
  • Over 1 million earths could fit inside the sun!
  • The sun is a star that is closest to the earth (reason we see it so brightly).
  • The sun has different forms of radiation — visible light, infrared, UA, UVB and UVC. It releases tremendous energy via nuclear fusion in the form of radiation, electricity, and solar wind. UVC rays are blocked by ozone layer and thus we have a natural shield from these powerful rays.

Vitamin D from the sun is crucial in the prevention of a variety of conditions and disease.

Disease Prevention

Vitamin D from the sun is crucial in the prevention of a variety of conditions and disease. In fact, a growing body of evidence demonstrates how Vitamin D is a cofactor in the regulation of at least 3,000 out of the 30,000 genes in the human body.

Some conditions that lack of Vitamin D can bring on include:

  • Rickets
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depression
  • Cancer
  • Hypertension/Cardiovascular Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  • Respiratory Infections and Viruses
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Insomnia and Sleep Apnea
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration/Myopia
  • Alzheimer Disease
  • Other conditions, like gout and spinal cord diseases


Children who were not in sun in 1920’s developed rickets.


High quality diet, exercise, sleep, and relaxation are of very high importance in bone strength, however bone development is very dependent on Vitamin D formation from sun exposure. Adults who do not have sufficient Vitamin D (mainly from sun) cannot process calcIUm and other minerals that will lead to osteoporosis.


Depression can be instigated by lack of natural light, and sunlight helps to enhance serotonin and melatonin production, both hormones of which are mood elevating and stabilizing.


Adequate Vitamin D can assist in cancer cell disintegration and slow down cell growth and spread. It also prevents angiogenesis, the formation of blood vessels for the cancer, and aids in Melanoma prevention.

Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease

Studies are showing how UV light exposure allows for nitric oxide release in the skin that can help reduce blood pressure by several points.

Multiple Sclerosis

The farther away from the equator a person is, the higher the risk for MS. Vitamin D has been shown to have a relationship to how the immune system reacts with regard to the myelin sheath that covers fast-acting nerves. Studies also show those with ms have low D levels and supplementation has been promising in its benefit for this condition. Caution with excess heat exposure is warranted, however, due to the extreme fatigue that high heat can cause in MS.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Studies underway that indicate powerful correlation with sunlight deficiency and development of DM.

Respiratory Infections

In a large analysis of more than 11 thousand participants, the level of Vitamin D was very significant in that supplemental Vitamin D was associated with lower rates of respiratory infections such as Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, colds, and other respiratory viruses.

Chronic Inflammation

Significant anti-inflammation is noted in lab studies on Vitamin D in both human and lab animal cell lines. Benefits for autoimmune and other inflammatory conditions in heart, gut, and nervous systems are under study. In all these areas, Vitamin D, from sunshine especially, has shown to be beneficial.

Insomnia/Sleep Apnea

Studies show links between lack of sleep and sleep apnea. In one study of 1,500 people who had insomnia in 2012, Dr. Stasha Gominak published her results showing a replenishment of Vitamin D levels via sunlight and/or supplentation to levels of 60-80 ng/ml that alleviated insomnia. Another study published in 2014 showed a reduction in airway obstruction in sleep apnea disorders.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration/Myopia

ARMD has nothing to do with sunlight, according to studies that included 44,000 people. Interestingly, it is found that 0.9% of people of color and 2.5% of caucasians develop this condition chiefly due to lack of lutein, zeaxanthins (antioxidants found in blueberries, salmon, pistachios and eggs), Omega 3 fatty acids and excess intake of Omega-6 fatty acids. However, Myopia is also seen in children not exposed to sunlight regularly.

Alzheimer Disease

There are many studies underway indicating the need for sunlight to protect and enhance cognitive function.

Other Conditions

Other conditions that also benefit include gout, spinal cord diseases, Psoriasis and other skin diseases.

woman in a blue hat sitting on the sand by the ocean

Sun Protection

While the sun and the Vitamin D it produces can be beneficial, and the threat of loss of life is greater without the sun than with, we do have to protect ourselves from it to some extent as well.

Participating in outdoor sports, including swimming, in bright sunlight, may require some protection for those who are vulnerable. And, the reapplication of sunscreens may be needed.

Conditions such as skin aging, heatstroke, sunburn, freckles, moles, and potential skin cancers must be taken into consideration. Often many individuals don’t need any special protection unless the following conditions exist:

  • You have extremely fair skin
  • You have sun sensitivity with Solar Urticaria, which is a rare allergic reaction to sun exposure, Rosacea, Lupus, etc.
  • You suffer from Xeroderma Pigmentosa (rare congenital skin disease)
  • You are taking medications that would cause sun sensitivity like antibiotics, anticonvulsants, antifungals, antihistamines, oral contraceptives
  • Your skin already sunburned or has any type of burn

The best sources for protection from the sun include:

  • Wearing clothing with sunblocking capacity
  • Wearing thick cotton or tight natural weave wide brim hats covering head and face
  • Using umbrellas and tents to shield from the sun
  • Eating a plant diet and getting plenty of water and electrolytes into your body
  • Using non-nano particle zinc oxide and titanIUm oxide; other ingredients acceptable are sunflower oil, calendula with coconut oil, aloe vera and shea butter

The Sun and Skin Cancer

By conventional medicine standards, skin cancers, such as basal cell, squamous cell, and melanomas are associated with repeated intense sunburn. Lesser intensity exposure is generally not a cause for skin cancer. However, of note, association does not necessarily imply causation.

From an energetic perspective, however, the cause for skin cancer is excess yin factors discharged to the surface such as milk, dairy, oily, spicy, sugary, fruits, spices, drugs, alcohol, stimulants, and protein supplements.

To put things in perspective, note these statistics:

Death from lack of sun 1,684,677
Death from sunlight 5,125
Ratio 329:1

When you consider using products to protect your skin from the sun, some products to avoid include:

  • Oxybenzone, an ingredient in sunscreen linked to skin cancer formation
  • Parabens, which have been linked to cancer
  • Octisolate
  • Octocryene
  • Avobenzone
  • Petroleum products
  • Any reef destroying products

Optimize Your Vitamin D

Know your Vitamin D level by having your health provider order tests or send in your own blood testing kit. Optimal levels are between 60-80 ng/ml. Remeasure your levels after 4-5 months to note changes. If your sun exposure is inadequate, add an oral form of Vitamin D.

Foods naturally containing D include salmon and other fatty fish, mushrooms and eggs. All fortified products contain Vitamin D.

Sun Exposure

Each minute in the sun will provide approximately 1000 IU of Vitamin D3 via conversion of the skin uptake of solar energy and transport to the liver. Because of this, it is best to expose as much of skin as possible without sunblock for a certain amount of time. However, you do need to be sure not to exceed your exposure time so much that you cause skin burning.

If your skin is naturally strongly pigmented, i.e. the closer your heritage is to the equator (lower latitudes), you will need more time in sun for Vitamin D production and the use of an oral or injectable form is advisable due to the problem of deficiences. The melanin in skin of darker skin shades is a strong blocker of sunlight, hence a relative deficiency is more likely.

The recommended time spent in the sun, based on your skin shade, is:

  • Fair Skin: 15 to 20 minutes
  • Olive Skin: 25 minutes
  • Darker One Shade: 30 minutes
  • Darker a Second Shade: 30 to 40 minutes
  • Darkest Skin: 45 to 55 minutes

You should remove yourself to a more protected area if you feel skin becoming tender to touch when getting sun exposure.


When maximum daily sun exposure is not possible, you should supplement with Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, which is better absorbed than D2, ergocalciferol). It is recommended that you get 2000 IU daily for levels 30-40 ng/ml, and 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily if you are moderate to severely deficient. A better form of vitamin is a plant or plankton-derived source.

Everyone is urged to ensure that these other nutrients are also taken into their bodies, preferably via diet:

  • Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) at 90-100 mcg along with Vitamin D3
  • Magnesium – 400mg daily
  • Omega 3 fatty acids, good food sources of protein, fats, and minerals

Keep in mind, the older a person is in age, the less sun absorption capacity they have. It is wise for older individuals to use a good supplement that is plant based. Oral capsules or liquids are best.

The Importance of Water

We are water beings! We are a mean 60% water, and adults have about 1.2 to 1.5 gallons of blood in our bodies. Babies are 78% water, and this drops to 65% after about a year. Adults need about half of our body fluid volume replenished on a daily basis.

We should be very careful when consuming water. We should always be drinking clean, filtered water, and even hydrogenated water, and avoiding plastic and additives.

As a reminder on volume measurements:

  • 1 gallon = 120 ounces or 4 quarts
  • 1 quart = 32 ounces
  • 1 liter = 35 ounces
  • 1 cup = 8 ounces

So, if you drink 8 cups of beverages (preferably water) a day, you are taking in 64 ounces. And, if you also eat 8 cups of plant foods, such as fruits and vegetables, you are taking in close to 1 gallon of water a day.

Adult women are 55% water and need about 2.2 liters (2.3 quarts = 73 ounces) daily; which would be 9 cups from drink.

Adult men are 60% water and need about 3 liters (3.2 quarts = 102 ounces) daily; which would be 11 to 12 cups from drink.

Don’t forget that water comes from both food and drink — about 20% from food. All drinks and soups would also count. So, if you are a vegan, or have a high intake of plants, you may already be taking in a good amount of water.

1 cup of fruits or vegetables cna yield approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water. For example, 1 cup of strawberries is about 4 ounces of water, 1 cup of celery has 3.5 ounces of water, and 1 cup of garbanzo beans contains about 1 ounce so water. So, if you are eating multiple servings of these types of food the amount of water consumed is additive.

man drinking bottled water outside

How Much Water is Too Much?

When trying to calculate how much water you should consume, you must always consider factors such as:

  • Physical activity
  • Climate
  • Sex
  • Body weight

The average daily amount of water needed is above. However, certain demographics such as children, elderly individuals, athletes, and soldiers may need more water to sustain their bodies and conditions. The more active you are, the more you will need.

In general, we require add 12 ounces of water for high impact and up to 24 additional ounces for sustained muscle and CV stress.

Excess water intake would be more than 2 liters in one hour. Consuming this much can cause hyponatremia with weakness, passing out, and brain and blood changes that can be troubling. Any excess sweating may warrant up to 1.5 liters in 1 hour maximum.

Soldiers who consumed in excess of 2 to 5 liters in one hour were more seriously injured in studies examining military recruits.

The Future of Sun and Water

Science is following our sun and it will not be dulling anytime soon!

Cherish every moment with the sun.

Protect the water.

Be conscious of these wonderful and vital elements.

References and Recommended Reading


Monday, April 11, 2022

WellCome OM Partners with EliteCare Health Centers

EliteCare Health Centers logoWellCome OM Center Integral Healing & Education Center has partnered with Visit EliteCare Health Centers to bring their patients a FREE membership to WellCome OM’s wide variety of services and classes.

EliteCare Health Centers is a Primary Care doctor’s office that accepts Freedom, Optimum, and Simply Health Plans. EliteCare provides a variety of services to our patients including Primary Care, Wellness, Comprehensive Dental (2022).

EliteCare Health Center patients can now enjoy unlimited OM Studio Fitness Classes, one monthly Express Salt Room Therapy Session for Two, free Wellness Educational Seminars, free Garden Education Classes, Social Activities, and enjoy 10% off retail purchases, special tickets events and workshops, Massage Services, Life Coaching Sessions, and a Seasonal Garden Membership!



WellCome OM Partners with EliteCare Health Centers

EliteCare Health Centers logoWellCome OM Center Integral Healing & Education Center has partnered with Visit EliteCare Health Centers to bring their members a FREE membership to WellCome OM’s wide variety of services and classes.

EliteCare Health Center members can now enjoy unlimited OM Studio Fitness Classes, one monthly Express Salt Room Therapy Session for Two, free Wellness Educational Seminars, free Garden Education Classes, Social Activities, and enjoy 10% off retail purchases, special tickets events and workshops, Massage Services, Life Coaching Sessions, and a Seasonal Garden Membership!



Monday, March 21, 2022

Inflammation is a Function of Immunity: A Fact We Must Respect

Immune health is essentially equal to the true health of the human body. Inflammation is an integral part of the immune system to help maintain that health. When there is a violation of the human body’s environment, for example, a toxin, invading organism, or an upset fear, a defense system is present to preserve and protect the person’s life.

Inflammation and The Immune System

An immediate response by a first, second, and possibly a third line of reactive cell pathways enters a scene where there is need. For instance, noxious or toxic gas or fumigant will cause a quick sneeze, cough, and flee from a danger that may cause injury or death. Another common example is a bee sting that sends an immediate signal to the immune system to halt the harmful irritant from causing further damage inflicted by the insect.

Fear is another significant threatening stress to the body that will trigger an inflammatory response that will lead to “fight or flight.” If short-lived and resolved, fear need not cause significant insult to the body. All defenses will restore to a “peaceful” state of balance. However, if prolonged, fear can be one of the most challenging reactions to the immune system. Chronic fear of threat in any form will lead to chronic illness. Thus, we have both acute and chronic inflammatory response capabilities that are always with us.

Any problem with wellness reflects the core strength of the immune defense system. Thanks to a magnificent arrangement in the creation process, the human body is born naturally ready and generally able to cope with its environment very well. With the passage of time and growth of the individual, much will be experienced and chosen that will enhance (or weaken) the immune system.

The immune system is “on guard” to protect against infections and prevent virtually every disease. However, a constant violation of stressor(s) on the mind/body/spirit environment can weaken and mar the protective effects of the immune system. When we speak of infections, cancer, autoimmune, neurological, pulmonary, cardiovascular, or virtually any metabolic illness, it is the immune system’s inflammatory response that has been called into play chronically. This breakdown is essentially a fundamental loss of balance in the internal energies of the cells that make up every organ and tissue in the body.

Importance of The Immune System

When we talk about immunity, we refer to the body’s defense system against innumerable invaders from all aspects of life. Fortunately, if a person with the capacity to make conscious decisions follows a balanced and orderly lifestyle taking proper care of one’s environment of mind, body, spirit, the likelihood of sustained healthy defense mechanisms and disease prevention is strong. But, on the other hand, to the unsuspecting and unprepared, i.e., a young child or mentally challenged person, a serious infection, illness, or disease can manifest and devastate the individual unless addressed by a caretaker.

So, for a bit on fundamentals, the immune system is comprised of organs such as the thymus gland, tonsils, spleen, bone marrow, and lymphatic system. Every person is born with innate immunity or that which is ready for the immediate emergence into world entry from the mother’s womb. Invaders recognized by the innate system are engulfed by cells called phagocytes to defend a newborn life. These active cells are found on all the skin, the corneas of the eyes, and mucous membranes of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts.

Every person is born with innate immunity or that which is ready for the immediate emergence into world entry from the mother’s womb.

As one grows, another aspect of immunity evolves with the help of the innate system to adapt to more and more exposures for further protection. This is called the acquired immune system. The latter is one with special proteins called antibodies that form from B-lymphocytes that are derived from bone marrow and “T cells” from the thymus gland, hence “B” and “T” designations. The remarkable aspect of this system is that the cells develop a memory for the invader organisms, i.e., viruses, and recognize them so that immunity develops. This is called natural immunity, and for most humans, it is the best way we can defend ourselves against natural organisms.

If acute inflammation from an injury or set of circumstances is not resolved by natural or other interventions and becomes prolonged, we have chronic inflammation. This involves many additional immune cells that seek to contain or destroy the insulting agent. This can lead to more tissue damage with a secondary repair that includes hardened tissue called fibrosis or granulomatosis. Depending on the mental/emotional conditions present, a condition may become malignant. At that point, the immune defenses have been hit very hard, and the resolution of this disease will require the person to make significant life improvements.

Prevention of Immune Disturbances

Prevention of immune disturbances and deficiencies, or what we call in medical terms: dysregulation, involves making the best choices possible for the healthiest environment in which we can live and sustain. The goal is to ensure quick resolution of any insult and protect our immune system. Below are key ways and means to prevent or deter chronic inflammation that leads to immune compromise.

For strong immunity and healthy inflammation:

  • Reduce and remove all negative stress from your life as soon as possible
  • Breathe in 3-4 seconds and out 9-12 seconds often for de-stressing and adding years to your life
  • Cook and eat whole-food, plant-based, organic, non-genetically modified, non-chemical laden foods calmy, peacefully and with gratitude; avoid farm-raised or synthetic fish; limit or avoid most meat/poultry/dairy
  • Avoid simple sugars, refined carbs like baked desserts, candies, sodas
  • Avoid trans fats, oils like soybean, corn, safflower and palm; use olive, macadamia, coconut and avocado in small amounts if desired
  • Use only natural products (check labels and know the companies if not home-made or grown) on and in body for personal care
  • Use natural fibers and cleaning agents for home and garden or any place you dwell often in your daily life
  • Exercise daily- anyway you can- to increase your muscle movements over the entire body for at least 30 minutes, preferably outdoors in sun; indoor exercise should have proper provisions with well-ventilated area, no strong radiation from wi-fi, good foot comfort and clean water to hydrate
  • Sleep for growth and repair; seven hours is goal
  • Minimize all artificial chemicals including drugs
  • Add whole-food supplements that provide immune-enhancing ingredients including quercetin, EGCG, resveratrol, minerals, vitamin A, B, C and D

My friends, today is the day for recognizing and respecting how your immune system functions and how keeping the inflammatory cell responses in good order will make all the difference in your health.

For further consultation on this topic or an appointment with Dr. Maria to help you reach your goals in better health, see us at Integrative Healing at OM.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

One Chew Three…Let’s Eat Consciously!

Chewing, also known as mastication, is one of the most important movements you do multiple times a day for your entire life. Mastication is essential, as is the breath for the human body to attain health. Can you imagine not being able to chew? The satisfaction of biting into a delicious fruit or crunching into a super nutty salad is a truly gratifying experience. All your senses are activated. You touch, feel, smell, hear, feel and savor the texture, aroma, and flavor of the food with delight. Your taste buds tingle with the wondrous union of the food and your mouth. The relationship is a magical one that begins in that space, and we call this the start of digestion.

However, what is truly remarkable is that digestive action is already underway as one who is about to procure food is in anticipation of its presence. Likewise, the signals to the brain for food entry into the palate are firing away. This is a seemingly simple set of actions but is quite complex, involving sensory (neurological), endocrine, cardiovascular, pulmonary, skeletomuscular, and gastrointestinal activity. After that, the orchestration of the entire scope of all body systems plays like a concert allowing the nutrients to be propelled into the cells and the metabolized unused portions prepped for elimination.

But the key to the success of the entire process belongs to the act of chewing. A slow dedicated jaw movement to break down every piece of grain, seed, leaf, or flesh is what transmits a smooth bolus to the esophagus. This tube-like organ then carefully propels the food with coordinated smooth muscle action to the stomach. From there on, some serious digestive biochemistry works on the food that ultimately is absorbed into cells and organs, to build, repair, and maintain all of them. Without complete chewing, these digestive movements are not optimal, and the consequences can negatively impact the body. Let’s see how.

Improperly chewed food is harmful to the body for the following reasons:

  • Large food particles cannot be properly acted upon by the stomach that can cause indigestion, gas, and bloating.
  • Moreover, bacteria in large particulate food that is not enzymatically eliminated will pass down into the digestive tract and add pathogenic upset into the intestines. As a result, constipation or diarrhea can occur.
  • Insufficient salivary enzymes will not adequately initiate carb and fat breakdown.
  • Minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients are wasted if inadequate mastication has happened.
  • Overeating will occur due to hurried swallowing and lack of satiety or fullness. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to feel full. Weight gain!
  • The jaw bones are inadequately exercised, which can lead to reduced flexibility, plaque build-up with dental decay, and bone loss. Conversely, healthy chewing keeps the jaw in shape.
  • Poor chewing and hurried eating set the stage for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) — a problem that affects more than 44% of the US population.

So, it is for the sake of your health and well-being that you stop and sit down comfortably to appreciate your meal or snack. Plan for at least 20 minutes to eat. Chew slowly and thoroughly- 20-30 times per mouthful. See how different you feel. You will never regret the sensation of a well-digested meal.

Remember it is the chew-th of the matter.


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

3rd Annual Earth Day Celebration: April 23, 2022

Join us at WellCome OM Integral Healing & Education Center for our 3rd Annual Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 from 9 am to 2 pm.

We will have over 50 vendors and being doing fun activities, games, classes, and demonstrations for the entire family.

The fun family event will be on our campus at 4242 Lake in the Woods Dr., in Spring Hill, FL.

Within easy driving distance of Hernando, Pasco, Citrus, Sumter, Lake, Pinellas, and Hillsborough Counties.

2022 Earth Day Celebration Flyer
